Amazing #authres on health and safety

I am bursting with excitement for several reasons:

1) I got a copy of the coolest Belgian Authres EVER

2) I’m promoting a student’s love for French and eagerness to be a lifelong learner! (Standard 5.2, anyone? It’s always been my favorite!)

How did this happen? I have a student who has a fatal allergy to both peanuts and tree nuts. While this is sad, it’s provided great opportunity for real life French conversations. He’s planning a trip to Europe in 2015 and is nervous about his allergy. Together, we wrote a letter to the French, Swiss, and Belgian centers for food allergens, and almost all of them have responded cheerfully.

And yesterday, the Belgian group not only promised to mail brochures, but also included a great PDF of allergen information, defining food allergies, giving practical advice, and how allergens are listed on food labels. I am giddy.


So, I would love to share that information with you! I’m including a copy of the PDF from the Belgian ‘service public federale Sante publique, Securite de la chaine alimentaire et Environnement’ (whew, what a long name!)

He also received an email from the Swiss aha! group that outlines how they label food allergenes. You’re welcome to email me and I can forward you that reponse!




I know I’m going to have a blast with my students using this!

One thought on “Amazing #authres on health and safety

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  1. Mme, I just came across your blog and twitter feed. What an amazing resource. I love this PDF on allergens. I want to begin using more authres, what would you do with something like this– build questions, create stations, jigsaw.
    merci d’avance!
    Karen Oberlander, San Diego

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